As the saying goes, food is the first necessity of the people. People's appetite cannot be separated from the dining room decoration and design. The design of family dining rooms needs careful study. How should dining rooms be designed? It should follow the following principles.

Firstly, pay attention to the unity of practicality and effect. When designing a dining room, we should pay attention to the combination of practicality and effect. The most important thing is to consider practicality. On the basis of satisfying this, you can choose other furniture.

Secondly, the design must have its own style. Is it to be designed in European, American, French, Korean or modern simple style? Be sure to decide it before designing. You can't hesitate all the time when designing, or the dining room will have no its own style.

Thirdly, the dining room design should be consistent with personal living habits and hobbies. The key to dining room design lies in the dining table. The choice of dining table and chair is important. On the one hand, it should be consistent with the whole design style of the house. On the other hand, you should consider your own preferences. If you like the style, it will positively affect the atmosphere of the whole dining room.

Fourthly, pay attention to the collocation of colors. When designing dining rooms, you should consider the color matching between rooms and between rooms and furniture. The contrast between colors cannot be too great. You cannot ignore the collocation between colors, even if it is to highlight individuality. When choosing colors, avoid too many colors. Neutral colors can be used, such as sand, stone, light yellow, etc. These colors can give people a feeling of peace.


For the ceiling design of dining rooms, the top of ordinary family dining rooms uses suspended ceilings. This is beautiful. It can make you feel familiar. When designing, it should be noted that whether it is ceiling or suspended ceiling, it must be decorated with simple, elegant and clean materials. It is possible to install some wear-resistant materials at waist-length positions on the wall surface. For example, glass, mirrors, ceramic tiles, etc. When choosing the dining room floor tiles, you should select materials with smooth surface. It should be easy to clean. Because the dining room is a dirty place, especially some oil stains are difficult to clean. For the choice of dining tables, different shapes of dining tables have different meanings. They can bring different feelings to people. You can match it according to your own preferences. However, we must pay attention to the layout of the dining room. We should pay attention to the coordination between the dining room and the living room. You don’t need to choose complicated dining room lamps. Being simple and bright will be enough. For dining room decoration design, if you think the wall looks empty, you can choose some hanging pictures. You can choose articles with special decorative styles to hang on the wall. This is to embellish the environment. However, it must not be conspicuous and messy. Or it will be distracting.

These are the main points of family dining room design. I hope this will be helpful to you.



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