Marcos Bertoldi, one of Brazil’s leading Modernist architects, lives in a steel-and-concrete house designed in 1978 by the great Brazilian master João Batista Vilanova Artigas.

“It is constantly visited by Brazilian and foreign architects and students—it can be considered a collector’s item,” he says. Bertoldi, who cites influences that range from cinema to music to cooking, educates his clients to understand that even a house designed for an individual “may have a collective use, shared by a group of students, critics, opinion makers and people interested in architecture in general.” As Curitiba, where his firm is based, sets a global example in the areas of environmentally responsible city planning and sustainable infrastructure, Bertoldi’s background in landscape architecture enables him to strike a balance between the natural and the built. He says, “I like to live surrounded by art and design objects, utensils and furniture.”

Marcos Bertoldi



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